Now that you have been using one of the major document storage solutions for a while it is natural to start seeing a few shortcomings on the solution.
With millions of businesses feeling more comfortable moving their business to the cloud, a document storage solution like OneDrive, Google Drive, SharePoint or Dropbox would have been an easy choice. It’s backed by some of the largest companies in the world and will give you the flexibility that you require when it comes to storing your documents.

Now that you have been using one of these document storage solutions for a while it is natural to start seeing a few shortcomings on the solution. One of the major issues we see clients facing is that whilst these solutions become the central point of your document storage, your business requires more than just save documents. What about things like client notes, tasks, workflows, invoices etc.

In a perfect world your saved documents from lets say OneDrive will be directly linked to your clients, projects or files in your CRM. Or how about the reverse, how about when you create a new activity or customer in your CRM and automatically have that information synced to your OneDrive account. All while still using the OneDrive security and framework.
This is the key with the Astute Theory platform and our document storage integration. You have full control! No matter if you prefer working in OneDrive or the Astute Theory platform, you can create the rules and get OneDrive working exactly how you like.
No matter if your question relates to this topic or about another one of our services, we offer a free initial 1 hour consultation to see how we can assist.