We provide you with your website, marketing material and the Astute Theory Platform to showcase it to the world.
Have you ever wished you could really automate your clients business? We are not talking the automation where you pass data from one software solution to another, we mean Real Automation. The type of automation that allows you to click one button and perform five different actions. The type of automation that your software starts to think for you.
Welcome To The Astute Theory Platform
Create conversations around: Automation, Workflows, Inventory Management & Artificial Intelligence.
Generate new avenues of income by offering, configurating and implementing the Astute Theory Platform for your clients.
Find new customers with a range of innovative solutions that the Astute Theory Platform can offer your client base.
Use the Astute Theory platform to assist your clients to utilise the full potential of existing applications they are already using.
As a Astute Theory Partner we want to ensure you have everything you need to be successful. So we provide the following:
As a Astute Theory Partner you get your very own Astute Theory website so you can showcase all the amazing features and link your social media posts to your lead generation forms on your website.
You can select the different types of marketing material you require. Get unlimited access to print material, social media posts and articles that you can use in getting the Astute Theory message out.
Perhaps the best part. As a Astute Theory Partner you get a FREE licence to the Astute Theory Platform to use for demonstrations and as a resource to input your leads and interactions.
As an influencer you may have little business experience however you know a great product when you see it. Influencers pass leads onto Astute Theory and receive a set fee commission for each successful Astute Theory Platform sale.
As a referrer you have a fair amount of business experience. You can organise and conduct your own meetings whilst having a specialised Astute Theory team member attend to assist you. Referrers receive a set commission on each successful sale.
As an agent you have experience with implementing workflows, automation and software into businesses. You can implement the entire Astute Theory process on your own. Agents receive uncapped commission for each successful sale.
Learn about all the integrations that are available with the Astute Theory Platform.
As an Astute Theory Partner you have access to 1000s of integrations. Here are some examples on how they can work.
We want to ensure becoming a Astute Theory Partner is a rewarding and successful decision for you. Our onboarding process allows you to get the most from the partner program.
Book in a meeting time with one of our team meetings. Meetings can be conducted via Zoom or in person at our Melbourne office.
Within 24 hours we will organise a phone, video or face to face interview to answer any questions you may have.
Depending upon your experience we can allow as much or as little training as you believe you require to get started.
We provide you with your website, marketing material and the Astute Theory Platform to showcase it to the world.